What would my protagonist do if she won the lottery?
By Bekka Black (aka Rebecca Cantrell)
If it were Hannah Vogel’s month and she won the lottery, I think her first order of business would be to hire someone to put out a hit on me so I stop messing up her life and let her live a happy and peaceful life in Switzerland. But, luckily, it’s not her month. 🙂


This is October and that’s iDrakula’s month. I’ll give the lottery to Mina Murray, the teenager hunted by Dracula through the streets of New York with only her trusty cell phone and a pre-med student named Abe Van Helsing by her side. She’s tough and smart though, so Dracula had better look out!


Mina’s a practical sort, with a kind heart. If she won the lottery, the first thing she would do is give money to the Red Cross to support blood donations. Mina, of all people, understands the importance of getting fresh blood when you need it.
Next, she would start some kind of Vampire Killing Club to track down vampires around the world and settle the score for the humans. They eat us, and clearly that can’t be allowed to continue. Mina worked hard enough to make New York vampire-free. She’s a think global, act local kinda girl. But she can branch out. I imagine the foreign arms, particularly Romania, would need the most funding initially, but vampire legends put them everywhere on the globe. Good thing her iPhone has a translator app.
I think the VKC would also need a very cool research and development arm. My son suggested the first item to develop: a machine gun for shooting stakes. It’s really indispensable if you’re faced with multiple assailants, want to take them out from a distance, or want something that looks really cool. I like the one in the picture because it’s got an 1890s Steampunk aesthetic that the original Mina Murray would have admired too.
I experimented with a ring of fire idea in the climax of iDrakula and I think that would be important shielding technology. Not like a flamethrower, more like a ring you can stand in that surrounds you with fire. I think there would be some weight issues with this, so suggestions are welcome.
Any other suggestions of other projects for the VKC?

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