ï»żWhat do you get when you mix together an airhead heiress, a kooky cult leader, a giant plastic vagina, and a super-horny English Bulldog?

The latest hilarious outing featuring former child star turned Malibu Private Investigator Sofia Salgado.

Sofia, Brendan and Aidan and the rest of the gang are back in this fun and funny mystery set in glamorous Malibu, California. Sofia goes undercover in a seemingly harmless cult called The Church of The Divine Goddess. At the same time she has to protect an overly amorous English Bulldog from crazed Aussie movie star, Bruce Brunt, who wants to do to Harvey what legions of women would love to do to Bruce––cut off his marble pouch!


Chapter One

Malibu was in the middle of a puppy boom. The culprit? An over-sexed English bulldog that trainee private investigator Sofia Salgado had nicknamed Harvey. His real name was Fernando Montoya––hey, this was Malibu––but Sofia had decided that Harvey was a better fit for Malibu’s roving canine lothario. With his stumpy legs, crushed face, and never take no for an answer approach to romance, it just seemed to suit him better.

Harvey’s owner, a super sweet old lady who lived near Cross Creek, had contacted Maloney Investigations after the owner of a recently impregnated French poodle had threatened her with a pawternity suit. Sofia guessed a pawternity suit was like a regular paternity suit, but one for four-legged dogs rather than the regular two-legged variety. Because Harvey had no income, the pregnant poodle’s owner was threatening a lawsuit against Miss Phillbrick.

As if the lawsuit wasn’t bad enough, it turned out that the irate owner of the poodle was none other than angry Australian movie star, Bruce Brunt. Not only was he threatening legal action, he had also vowed to ‘chop off that little limey bastard’s ding-a-ling’ if he ever caught up with him. Sofia, who’d been cornered by Bruce in a Malibu bar during a previous investigation, found womanizing Bruce’s attitude a little ironic, but she also knew that the Aussie actor was more than capable of making good on his threat.

At first, Sofia’s boss, Brendan, had tried to persuade Harvey’s owner to have him neutered. She’d point blank refused. As a compromise they’d conducted a security review of the lady’s house. They had installed higher gates at the entrance. Contractors had repaired the fencing around the property. But nothing would stop Harvey, and he’d promptly tunneled under the newly repaired fencing, and escaped.

Now he was on the loose, and Sofia knew she had better catch him before Bruce Brunt did. She was on a one girl mission to keep Harvey’s ding-a-ling intact, at least for now.

“If you want to curl up with a book you can’t put down and laugh this is the book for you.”

“Gives Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum a run for her money.”

“A fun read. I love the main character. She is smart, quirky and funny. I love women who can hold their own.”

“If you’re looking for a lead character who is likable but also kicks some serious butt, you found her!”